How will my client interact with the resources I’ve sent them?

When your client opens an assigned resource, they will see several actions they can take listed on the top right of their screen:

  • Start: Allows them to interact with the resource—play the audio, fill out input fields, or tick checkboxes.
  • Save: Allows them to save their progress.
  • Reset: Allows them to start over with a resource. Any existing answers will be deleted, and the resource will appear blank.
  • Finish: Allows them to mark a task as complete. You will then be able to see the task as Awaiting Review on your end.
  • Print: Allows them to download and/or print a resource, provided you have a paid, active account. Please note that answers are recorded online and won’t be printable.
  • Favorite: Allows them to mark a resource as a favorite.

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